Gruber Law Offices
Milwaukee personal injury Law firm was seeing increase PPC cost without knowing their Return On Investment as well as non transparency analytics reporting from their previous agency

The Challenge:
Gruber Law Offices is in an extremely competitive industry (personal injury law). Not only is it competitive, but it’s also extremely expensive compared to other industries. Cost per click in Wisconsin for a personal injury lawyer can range anywhere from $50-$200 depending on the keyword.
With their previous PPC vendor, there was no transparency with what happened with their spend. No cost per case, no cost per lead, just cost per click which made ROI on PPC next to impossible. The agency also combined their brand reporting with non-brand reporting, which is an extremely inefficient way of analyzing a PPC campaign.

The Solution:
We initially setup campaigns targeting long tail keyword that helped get low cost per sign ups. After having the campaign data from months of running personal injury ads in Milwaukee, we were able to run experiments with using Google automated bidding strategies.
After finding the right formula for Gruber Law Offices, we were able to expand the campaign and be more aggressive across their practice area.